For those who are curious, I use the Unsplash website to find corresponding images for my musical tracks. Unsplash offers copyright-free images for people to use, and I always make it a habit to give credit to the photographers in the video descriptions on my YouTube channel. So far, using Unsplash has partially enabled me to produce more videos. Why? YouTube does allow not people to upload videos with music alone. A musical track has to include a static image with the music in order for YouTube to consider it a video.
I mentioned in my last post that the Reaktor 6 software program features multiple control panels for creating and performing music. The first track that you see here uses the "Space Drone" panel for the Reaktor Factory Selection R2 set. Unlike the Mikro Prism control panel, Realtor Factory does not rely on computer keyboard input to perform tones. The "Space Drone" uses knobs and switches to produce different musical effects. It is also a rather strange panel. It immediately begins producing tones when selected. It also deserves mention that the control panels in Reaktor 6 offer a plethora of musical pads to choose from. In creating the six Sound Etudes, which I have compiled into two playlists on my YouTube channel, I chose to use pads that would not only catch people's attention. I had also thought about how this music would work if it were included in a film. Even though these pieces largely involved experimentation and improvisation, I also wanted to pay attention to the types of moods or setting that the pieces convey. For those who are curious, I use the Unsplash website to find corresponding images for my musical tracks. Unsplash offers copyright-free images for people to use, and I always make it a habit to give credit to the photographers in the video descriptions on my YouTube channel. So far, using Unsplash has partially enabled me to produce more videos. Why? YouTube does allow not people to upload videos with music alone. A musical track has to include a static image with the music in order for YouTube to consider it a video.
I am taking things in a different direction this time. The track that you are about to hear consists of tones from a VST (Virtual Studio Technology) plug-in. I generated the music directly from my laptop keyboard. While experimenting with the Reaktor 6 program from Native Access, I found through experimentation that pushing certain letters and numbers on my laptop keyboard would activate notes or other sounds depending on the effect chosen in the given control panel. In this case, I applied the "Galaxy Drops" effect in the Mikro Prism control panel. Some might also notice that the overall quality for this track sounds better than my previous works. That is because my older tracks would rely too much on MIDI playback. I have mixed feelings about MIDI in general. MIDI realizations serve more as blueprints for interpretations of acoustic or electronic musical performances. Like I said with regard to music notation software programs like Finale, composers should should avoid the temptation of using MIDI playback for publicly demonstrating new works. MIDI should not be used as a substitute for actual performance. It is for this reason that most music composition competitions do not allow MIDI realization as an option when submitting new pieces for consideration. Reaktor 6 serves as one of many VST software programs that I have recently acquired. These programs all consist of a steep learning curve, so I will need some practice with each to unlock more creative possibilities. Some programs can interact with my laptop. At some point, I will need to figure out how the Native Access programs that I have available handle MIDI keyboard compatibility and musical patch constructions for "live" performances. Music by Anthony L. Sanchez (b. 1988) Photo by William Daigneault on Unsplash "Hospital Room Sleep Ambient" sound effects by Ditrie Marie Bowie Music created using FM Synthesizer (app) and Lexis Audio Efitor (app) "Echo," "Change Speed," "Change Tempo," and "Reverb" effects used Looking back, I realize that this track is not the best that I have created. The tones are too loud, and it has a really muddy texture. I was aiming for something Dystopian with the layering of electronic sounds, but the overall effect is too harsh. Music and photograph by Anthony L. Sanchez (b. 1988) Photograph of pumpkin decoration taken in Savannah, Georgia on October 1, 2019 Music created using MidSequer2 (app) and Lexis Audio Editor (app) MidSequer2 instrument used: Harpsichord "Echo," "Reverse" and "Reverb" effects used Haunted Theme 3B (Loop) Music by Anthony L. Sanchez (b. 1988) Photo by Linus Sandvide on Unsplash Music created using MidSequer2 (app) and Lexis Audio Editor (app) Instrument used: Harpsichord "Echo" used in Lexis Audio Editor Music and visuals by Anthony L. Sanchez (b. 1988) Music created using MidSequer 2 (app), FM Synthesizer (app) and Lexis Audio Editor (app) Video of full moon filmed in Jacksonville, Florida on October 12, 2019-- Speed and visual effects edited using Quick Video Editor MidSequer2 Instrument Used: Synth Pad, Pad 8 (sweep)--Converted to ".wav" file and edited in Lexis Audio Editor Music by Anthony L. Sanchez (b. 1988) Photo by Stefan Ringler on Unsplash Audio track now available on Patreon: Music created using MidSequer2 and Audacity Instrument used in MidSequer2: Synth Lead: Lead 1 (square) "Reverse," "Echo" and "Reverb" effects used in Audacity Note: When converting the original ".mdsq" file to ".mid" and ".wav," the overall sound quality of the track changed. Music by Anthony L. Sanchez (b. 1988) Photo by Rythik on Unsplash Audio track available now on Patreon: Music created using MidSequer2 (app), Lexis Audio Editor (app) and Audacity Instrument used in MidSequer2: Synth Pad: Pad 5 (bowed) "Echo" and "Reverb" effects used in Lexis Audio Editor and Audacity Note: When converting the original ".mdsq" file to ".mid" and ".wav," the overall sound quality of the track changed. |
AuthorDMA. Composer of acoustic and electronic music. Pianist. Experimental film. Archives
January 2025