Yes, I am still here, I have also been very preoccupied with conducting musicological research for several projects in 2024. Over the winter break towards the end of 2023, I devoted my time traveling abroad to southern Spain: more specifically, in the city of Jerez de la Frontera, Andalusia. The thirty days that I spent there involved much more than vacationing, however. Jerez de la Frontera is best known for its Moorish architecture and African musical connections. That was when I encountered the impact of the Fiestas de la Zambomba. This folkloric music involves group participation by sitting or gathering in a circle, which would motivate the people to join in the musical celebration. This spontaneous collaboration often features accompaniment by singing Spanish villancicos, clapping, strumming a guitar, tapping a cajón (box drum), striking glass bottles, and—most importantly—performing on a zambomba drum. I will keep talking about this type of music in greater depth soon.