Music by Anthony L. Sanchez (b. 1988)
Photo by Matthew T Rader on Unsplash
NOTE: The MIDI Playback for these pieces uses a celesta instead of a toy piano, because Finale does not have a "Toy Piano" in their Instrument List.
I originally planned for this work to consist of 5 to 10 sonata da camera (each with short "A" and "B" sections). However, I grew a bit dissatisfied with the strict serial method of composition and timbre and settled on the three pieces instead. While I had previously uploaded these pieces in separate videos, this current video serves as an electronically realized version of all three toy piano sonatas. They are meant to be performed on a 37-key toy piano.
To see the time stamps for each movement in this video, click the video title below and view the "Comments" section on YouTube.